Comprehensive heart failure outreach program
Heart failure affects over 6 million people in the US with over 700,000 new cases every year. Approximately 22% of the people discharged from the hospital with heart failure will be readmitted within 30 days with over a 50% readmission rate within 6 months. Heart failure is the number one Medicare discharge diagnosis with the direct and indirect costs exceeding $40 billion annually.
ACO CHF Outreach Program
ACO owned Home Health Programs can use the MyNicas to establish Hospital based CHF Protocols upon discharge. Specially Trained Home Health Nurses can then provide MyNicas testing in the patients’ Home and use the “Cloud Based” reporting for immediate medication monitoring. These Protocols can reduce ACO CHF Hospital Re-admissions. Note: MyNicas can provide exclusive contract with hospital thereby providing a competitive edge over other Home Health companies in the immediate service area.
Reduce Hospital Readmissions
CardioNav can provide a comprehensive heart failure outreach program to assist Home Health Agencies who struggle with return to hospital (RTH) issues for the home care patients they serve.
The CardioNav Program provides a proactive model, grounded in education, technology and clinically proven outcomes which can provide a basis for a customized “outreach” program resulting in reduced home health hospital re-admissions.
Additionally, the Cardio NAV program can provide a “pro-active” CHF and COPD screening which can improve patient outcomes and provide a triage tool to clinicians who are involved in monitoring “frequent fliers” to prevent readmissions.
In only three minutes clinicians can have the ability to obtain hemodynamic, respiratory and fluids parameters and send the data in real time via the BlueTooth application available from MyNicas.

This information helps guide clinicians on how to adjust the patient medications and monitor progress for identified and designated patients within a service area.
This program can also create a substantial marketing differential for your referrals.
The CardioNav Program includes proprietary Education and Training for Nursing Staff, Respiratory Therapist and Home Health Aides and specialized training for a designated “Cardiac Champion”.
Please contact Tom Jordan at tjordanrcr@yahoo.com for more details.
Non-Invasive Cardiac System (MyNicas)

Proactive Clinical Program
Cardiology and Clinical Engagement
Education & Training
Improved Clinical Outcomes
Preferred Post-Acute Destination