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What is MyNicas ?
Whole-body (Regional) Bio-impedance Technology

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Imperceptible electrical signal transmitted through the blood in the arterial system is recorded by using two sensors arranged in a wrist-to-ankle configuration.

Changes of arterial blood volume throughout the cardiovascular cycle results in a change in the body electrical resistance.

Cardiac Output, alongside other hemodynamic and fluid parameters, are calculated by proprietary algorithms.

Each qualified patient receives a personalized easy-to-read report. This report is immediately available and helps guide clinicians on how to adjust patient's medications and monitor progress over time.

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CHF Re-Admission Reduction (MyNICaS)
Preeclampsia Intervention (MyNicas)
Hypertension (MyNicas)


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Medication Management

Ohio Group Practice Achieves 92.9% Success in Management of 13,575 Hypertension Patients


CHF Re-Admission Reduction

Study Letter; Dr. Askari

MyNicas provides highly accurate real-time data of the patient's cardiovascular status in 3 minutes


Ob-Gyn: Treatment of Chronic

Hypertension in Pregnancy

MyNicas provides highly accurate real-time data of the patient's cardiovascular status in 3 minutes


MyNicas Technology

Whole-body Bio-impedance Technology, utilized in MyNicas, is unique and propriety to Ni Medical. The MyNicas algorithms were developed by Ni Medical scientists over more than twenty years of research and validated by extensive clinical testing. Our products are FDA cleared and CE marked.

How it works

MyNicas transmits a small electrical signal through the body via two electrical sensors arranged in wrist-ankle configuration. This calculates the stoke volume by a proprietary algorithm. Cardiac output is calculated by multiplying stroke volume by the heart rate. In addition, MyNicas utilities a standard three-lead ECG connection for measuring the pulse rate.

MyNicas is able to provide accurate (highly correlates with pulmonary artery catheter), consistent and real-time data of one’s cardiovascular physiology. This would facilitate the ability to improve our understanding of one’s cardiovascular state, provide a clue as to what is causing the current state and Heart Failure, facilitate titration of medication to more optimal levels and provide a means of assessing one’s response to medication adjustments.

The system provides real-time data on various parameters of a patient’s cardiac and vascular functions. The data from any given reading session is displayed on the screen according to the different parameters, patient reports can be issued and saved, trends of the patient’s heart condition can be viewed and monitored, and the system also provides historical data and comparative reports. MyNicas measurements include the cardiac output and its derivatives, as well as an assessment of the left ventricular cardiac contractility. MyNicas is also unique in that it is the only method of Impedance

Features and Benefits



FDA Approved

Accurate, consistent results

Easy to use



No Side Effects

No harm to patient

No special preparation for exam

Painless Monitoring and Diagnostics

Cloud Based Reporting

Telehealth Compatibility


MyNicas Non-Invasive Cardiac System
System configurations

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For Leasing Options Please contact:
Tom Jordan at

Contact Us

Our Address

4740 Dues Drive, "Unit O"
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246

Toll Free: 800-990-4948


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